Observation of algebraic decay of positional order in a smectic liquid crystal

A smectic-A liquid crystal in three dimensions has been predicted to exhibit algebraic decay of the layer correlations rather than true long-range order. As a consequence, the smectic Bragg peaks are expected to be power-law singularities of the form q2+η and q4+2η, where () is along (perpendicular to) the smectic density wave vector direction, rather than δ function peaks. Observation of these phenomena requires very high instrumental resolution together with a resolution function with wings which drop off much more rapidly than q2(q4). We show that these requirements may be met by using a three crystal x-ray spectrometer with multiple-reflection channel cut crystals as monochromator and analyzer. We find that the smectic-A Bragg peaks observed in the liquid-crystal octyloxy-cyanobiphenyl are indeed consistent with the predicted power-law singularity form. Furthermore, the explicit values of η required to describe the measured profiles are in accordance with calculations of η using the harmonic approximation with empirically determined splay and layer compressibility elastic constants.