The diffusion symmetry developed by the alkaline and aeid bands of Chara corallina was studied. The alkaline system developed a diffusion pattern which could not be fitted to the equation for a continuous point-source efflux. However, good correlation was obtained between experimental data and the diffusion equation for a hollow sphere. The calculated OH- efflux values, obtained using the equation of a continuous spherical-surface source, were checked against the influx values of H14CO3- obtained under the same experimental conditions. Individual OH− band efflux values ranged from 0.07 to 5.95 pmol s−1 and total cell fluxes of 25 pmol cm−2 s−1 for OH- and HCO3- were obtained (in the presence of 0.5 mM NaHCO3). The acid system developed a cylindrical diffusion pattern, but this could not be fitted to a mathematical equation. Numerical analysis will have to be employed to obtain values of H+ efflux.