The Involvement of Cyclic-3',5'-AMP in the Release of Hormones from The Anterior Pituitary in Vitro

DBcAMP significantly increased the release of GH but not of LH, FSH, TSH, or PRL, except in the presence of hypothalamic extract when it augmented the release of LH, FSH, and GH, reversed the inhibition of PRL, but did not further influence TSH release. Theophylline increased release of GH and PRL while inducing increased tissue content of cAMP without consistently increasing the release of TSH, LH, or FSH. Hypothalamic extractor K+-stimulated hormone rel-ase was consistently and significantly potentiated by theophylline. Neither hypothalamic extract, increased [K+], or synthetic TRH and LRH were able to raise tissue content of cAMP while producing their expected effects on hormone release. Cholera enterotoxin produced a highly significant increase in tissue content of the cyclic nucleotide but increased the release of GH only, and not that of LH, FSH, TSH, or PRL. DBcAMP was able to lower the threshold concentration of K+ required to stimulate release of GH, LH, and FSH and also to augment K+-stimulated release to the higher levels induced by the hypothalamic releasing hormones. It did not augment K+-induced release of TSH.