Spectroradiometric determination of the freezing temperature of gold

A direct spectroradiometric determination of the temperature of freezing gold was performed by measuring the spectral radiances of a gold blackbody relative to those of a laser-irradiated integrating sphere which was calibrated with absolute silicon detectors and an electrically calibrated radiometer. The measurements were performed at three laser wavelengths near 600 nm, and the temperature of the blackbody was calculated by substituting the measured spectral radiances into Planck's radiation formula. The result obtained, =(1337.33± 0.34) K, is 0.25 K below the gold-point assignment in the International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968 (IPTS-68) and has been adopted in September 1990 as the new gold-point value in the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90). The effect of this change in the gold-point assignment on pyrometric, radiometric, and photometric measurement services provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology is assessed.