Internal Pair Conversion inMg24Nuclei

A gamma-gamma coincidence counting method is used to detect pair emission from an excited state of Mg24. The positrons are stopped in absorbing material surrounding the source and detected by their annihilation radiation. The coincidence rate due to annihilation radiation is distinguished from the rate due to cascaded nuclear gamma-rays by the sharp 180-degree angular correlation of the annihilation radiation. Pair emission from Mg24 is distinguished from gamma-ray pair production in the material surrounding the source by using materials of different atomic number Z. The efficiency of the apparatus for detecting positrons is determined by observing the coincidence rate from a Na22 source of known disintegration rate. This efficiency, combined with the fraction of the observed coincidence rate that is due to pair emission from Mg24 and with the known disintegration rate of the parent Na24 source yields a value of (6.7±1.0)×104 for the internal pair-conversion coefficient of the 2.76-Mev transition in Mg24. This value agrees with that calculated by Rose for electric quadrupole transitions of this energy.

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