Post-anthesis sink size in a high-yielding dwarf wheat: yield response to grain number

Experiments to study the effect of grain number per sq metre on kernel weight and grain yield in a high-yielding dwarf spring wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Yecora 70) were conducted in three seasons (1971–1973) under high-fertility irrigated conditions in north-western Mexico. Crop thinning, shading and carbon dioxide fertilization (reported elsewhere), and crowding treatments, all carried out at or before anthesis, led to a wide range in grain numbers (4000 to 34,000/m2). Results indicated the response of grain yield to changing sink size (grains per sq metre), with the post-anthesis environment identical for all crops each year, and with all but the thinner crops intercepting most of the post-anthesis solar radiation. Kernel weight fell linearly with increase in grain number over the whole range of grain numbers studied, but the rate of fall varied with the season. Grain yield, however, increased, reaching a maximum at grain numbers well above those of crops grown with optimal agronomic management but without manipulation. It was concluded that the grain yield in normal crops was limited by both sink and post-anthesis source. There was some doubt, however, as to the interpretation of results from crowded crops, because of likely artificial increases in crop respiration on the one hand, and on the other, in labile carbohydrate reserves in the crops at anthesis. Also deterioration in grain plumpness (hectolitre weight) complicates the simple inference that further gains in yield can come from increased grain numbers alone.