Secondary Tumors of the Penis

Secondary tumors of the penis are admittedly rare. However, like many so-called pathological curiosities the number of reported cases in the literature belies their true occurrence, and in any large autopsy series secondary tumor infiltrations of the corpora cavernosa will be found sporadically. In a review of the literature of the last 70 years, we have found 59 cases of metastatic infiltrations of the penis. These are summarized in the Table according to the sites of origin. Primary tumors have arisen from the prostate, bladder, rectum, kidney, testis, lung, liver, nasopharynx, and ilium. In the majority of cases the metastatic penile tumors have originated in the prostate, bladder, and rectum. Four additional cases of secondary tumor infiltrations of the penis are being reported: one from the rectum, one from the bladder, and two from the prostate. Report of Cases Case 1. —A 47-year-old white man had a total colectomy in