Activation Cross Sections of Germanium for 14.4-MeV Neutrons

Ge69,75, Ga72,73,74, and Zn60m,71m were produced by irradiating natural germanium with 14.4±0.3-MeV neutrons. Two mixtures of powders containing GeO2+Al+Fe and GeO2+Al+Cu also were irradiated. The activities were identified from gamma spectra taken with a Ge(Li) detector and the cross sections were measured using the improved technique described by Rao and Fink. The reactions for which cross sections were measured are: Ge70(n, 2n)Ge69, 447±45 mb; Ge76(n, 2n)Ge75, 1236±120 mb; Ge72(n, p)Ga72, 47.4±4.7 mb; Ge73(n, p)Ga73, 26.4±2.6 mb; Ge74(n, p)Ga74, 13.2±1.3 mb; Ge72(n, α)Zn69m+g, 15.2±1.5 mb; and Ge74(n, α)Zn71m+g, 13.3±1.3 mb. For all cases where isomers exist, the cross-section value is total for m+g. The Ge76(n, 2n)Ge75 (82-min) cross section also was checked by beta counting, which is independent of decay-scheme assumptions. The results are compared with the systematics of (n, 2n), (n, p), and (n, α) cross sections at 14-15 MeV.