Optically Induced Magnetization in Ruby

The magnetization of ruby in a magnetic field at 300°K is changed when the ruby is optically pumped with linearly polarized radiation from a Q-switched ruby laser. With a magnetic field parallel to the trigonal axis, laser light polarized parallel to this axis induces transitions from the spin ±½ levels of the A24 ground state to the levels of the E¯(E2) excited state. The change in Mz is linearly proportional to H except near the anticrossing points of the A24 spin levels at 2.07 and 4.14 kG. At these field strengths, there is an enhancement of the magnetization caused by state mixing of the A24 wave functions. When H has a small component perpendicular to the z axis, a magnetization is detected parallel to this component in the vicinity of 4.14 kG. The effect requires a long ground-state relaxation time. In a separate experiment, the relaxation of Mz was found to vary from 0.13 μsec in zero magnetic field to a constant value of 0.57 μsec for fields above 60 G.