Elastic Scattering of 14-MeV Neutrons by Deuterons

The differential cross section for the elastic scattering of neutrons by deuterons was measured at a neutron energy of 14.3±0.2 MeV. The data cover the center-of-mass scattering angles from 13.5° to 158.6°, and the cross section at each angle was measured with a statistical accuracy from 2 to 3%. The scattering sample was a deuterated benzene scintillator coupled to a photomultiplier tube. The time of flight of the scattered neutron was measured by utilizing the recoil-deuteron pulse in the scattering-sample counter to start the timer, and a pulse produced by the scattered neutron in a plastic scintillation counter to stop it. Background events were limited by placing pulse-height restrictions on the pulses from the scattering-sample counter. The data were normalized to the experimentally determined np scattering cross section at 14.1 MeV. The relative efficiency of the scattered-neutron detector at each energy was determined by performing the experiment with a nondeuterated benzene scintillator in place of the deuterated target. The angles chosen for the np scattering were those for which the neutron energies were the same as those for the scattering angles chosen for the nd experiment. The known values of the np scattering cross section were then used to evaluate the nd cross section. The angular distribution shows a deeper minimum near 120° and higher values in the forward directions than is indicated by previous experimental results. An eighth-order polynomial is required to fit the angular distribution, and the value of the total cross section is in good agreement with earlier values.