p‐Hyroxybenzoate Hydroxylase from Pseudomonas fluorescens

As a final step in the elucidation of the primary structure of p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase from P. fluorescens, the amino acid sequences of a CNBr peptide (CB1, positions 111-276), that accounts for the middle part of the sequence, and the C-terminal CNBr peptide (CB2, positions 277-394) from the enzyme were determined. Important sequence information was obtained from 2 subfragments that were formed by the cleavage with CNBr of the Met-Thr sequence (positions 346-347) in peptide CB2. The alignment of the 2 subfragments from peptide CB2 and three 1-residue overlaps between peptides from one of these subfragments were confirmed by investigation of well-resolved parts of a 0.25-nm electron-density map. The sequence of residues 343-346 could not be determined with chemical methods and was assigned from the size and shape of the amino acids in the electron-density map. An important tool in the analysis of the amino sequence of peptide CB1 was the proteinase Lys-C from Lysobacter enzymogenes, which preferentially cleaves at lysine residues.

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