Magnetization of Pd(111) Films by Contact with Ferromagnetic Ni(111) Films

The magnetic moment of oligatomic Ni(111) films on Re(0001) was measured in ultrahigh vacuum at 320 K, where they became ferromagnetic above 2.5 atomic layers. The magnetic moment increased when Ni(111) was coated by Pd(111) or prepared on a Pd(111) interlayer. Apparently, the Pd film is magnetized, by contact with Ni(111), with roughly 0.1μB per atom in the first five monolayers of the Pd coating or 0.2μB per atom in the last seven monolayers of the Pd interlayer. The measurements give some indication of ferromagnetic live layers, which might appear for T<180 K on top of pure Pd(111) films prepared on Re(0001).