We have compared the ability of shadegrown clones of Solamum dulcamara L. from shade and sun habitats to acclimate to bright light, as a function of nitrogen nutrition before and after transfer to bright light. Leaves of S. dulcamara grown in the shade with 0.6 mM NO 3 - have similar photosynthetic properties as leaves of plants grown with 12.0 mM NO 3 - . When transferred to bright light for 1–2 d the leaves of these plants show substantial photoinhibition which is characterized by about 50% decrease in apparent quantum yield and a reduction in the rate of photosynthesis in air at light saturation. Photoinhibition of leaf photosynthesis is associated with reduction in the variable component of low-temperature fluorescence emission, and with loss of in-vitro electron transport, especially of photosystem II-dependent processes. We find no evidence for ecotypic differentiation in the potential for photosynthetic acclimation among shade and sun clones of S. dulcamara, or of differentiation with respect to nitrogen requirements for acclimation. Recovery from photoinhibition and subsequent acclimation of photosynthesis to bright light only occurs in leaves of plants provided with 12.0 mM NO 3 - . In these, apparent quantum yield is fully restored after 14 d, and photosynthetic acclimation is shown by an increase in light-saturated photosynthesis in air, of light-and CO2-saturated photosynthesis, and of the initial slope of the CO2-response curve. The latter changes are highly correlated with changes in ribulose-bisphosphate-carboxylase activity in vitro. Plants supplied with 0.6 mM NO 3 - show incomplete recovery of apparent quantum yield after 14 d, but CO2-dependent leaf photosynthetic parameters return to control levels.