On rotational temperature of the hydroxyl emission

The method for determining the rotational temperature of the hydroxyl emission of the upper atmosphere is analyzed. It is shown that a discrepancy of up to 14 K appears in the temperature values determined for the region of OH emission (∼87 km) since different researchers use the intensity factors (line strengths) of the lines of the rotational structure of hydroxyl bands based on various theoretical calculations. This discrepancy considerably exceeds the error (2–3 K) of direct temperature measurements. The use of the set of such data in the analysis of the time and spatial temperature regime can lead to a distortion of the character of the long-term changes in the mesopause temperature. Analytical expressions are obtained making it possible to calculate a systematic correction for the temperatures determined with the use of various intensity factors. One should also take into account considerable seasonal variations in the dependence of rotational temperature values on the level of the hydroxyl vibrational excitation.