Bdecays without final-state charm particles andCPnoninvariance

Branching ratios and CP noninvariance of nonleptonic rare exclusive B decays without charm particles in the final state are studied. Decay channels, such as Bd0K0φ,K*0φ, Bs0→K¯0φ,K¯*0φ, Bd,s→φφ,K0K¯0,K*0 K¯0,K0K¯*0,K*0K¯*0, etc., that can give direct evidence for the W-loop diagrams are pointed out. Some decay modes have large (tens of percent) CP noninvariance of partial-decay-rate differences. Decays such as Bu+K+ ρ0, K+ π+ π,K+φ,K+ K+ K might be of special interest because of the simplicity in the origin of their CP noninvariance and in their experimental detectability.

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