Biology of the Cold Adapted Archaeon, Methanococcoides burtonii Determined by Proteomics Using Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Genome sequence data of the cold-adapted archaeon, Methanococcoides burtonii, was linked to liquid chromatography−mass spectrometry analysis of the expressed-proteome to define the key biological processes functioning at 4 °C. 528 proteins ranging in pI from 3.5 to 13.2, and 3.5−230 kDa, were identified. 133 identities were for hypothetical proteins, and the analysis of these is described separately (Goodchild et al. manuscript in preparation). DNA replication and cell division involves eucaryotic-like histone and MC1-family DNA binding proteins, and 2 bacterial-like FtsZ proteins. Eucaryotic-like, core RNA polymerase machinery, a bacterial-like antiterminator, and numerous bacterial-like regulators enable transcription. Motility involves flagella synthesis regulated by a bacterial-like chemotaxis system. Lsmα and Lsmγ were coexpressed raising the possibility of homo- and hetero-oligomeric complexes functioning in RNA processing. Expression of FKBP-type and cyclophilin-type peptidyl-prolyl cistrans isomerases highlights the importance of protein folding, and novel characteristics of folding in the cold. Thirteen proteins from a superoperon system encoding proteasome and exosome subunits were expressed, supporting the functional interaction of transcription and translation pathways in archaea. Proteins involved in every step of methylotropic methanogenesis were identified. CO2 appears to be fixed by a modified Calvin cycle, and by carbon monoxide dehydrogenase. Biosynthesis involves acetyl-CoA conversion to pyruvate by a non-oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, and gluconeogenesis for the conversion of pyruvate to carbohydrates. An incomplete TCA cycle may supply biosynthetic intermediates for amino acid biosynthesis. A novel finding was the expression of Tn11- and Tn12-family transposases, which has implications for genetic diversity and fitness of natural populations. Characteristics of the fundamental cellular processes inferred from the expressed-proteome highlight the evolutionary and functional complexity existing in this domain of life. Keywords: proteome • LC/LC-MS/MS • archaea • methanogen • psychrophile • relative synonymous codon usage • proteasome/exosome superoperon • archaeal biology • transposon expression