Effects of O2 on the ventilatory response to CO2 in preterm infants

To measure the effects of O2 on the ventilatory response to CO2 in preterm infants, we studied eight babies (birth wt 1–2 kg; gestational age 32–36 wk) 10 times during the first 11 days of life. After breathing 21% O2 for 3 min, they were given 15%, 21%, 40%, or 100% O2 for 4 min and then 2% CO2 plus the various concentrations of O2 for 4 min each. The mean slopes of the CO2 response curves were 0.013, 0.027, 0.034, and 0.056 1/(min-kg-mmHg PACO2) with 15%, 21%, 40%, and 100% inspired O2, respectively. Thus, the more hypoxic the infant, the flatter was the response to CO2. These findings suggest that in preterm infants 1) the response to inhaled CO2 is the reverse of that seen in adult man where the higher the inspired O2 concentration, the flatter the response, and 2) the respiratory center is depressed during hypoxia.