Iron Absorption in the Thalassemia Syndromes and Its Inhibition by Tea

To determine the hemoglobin concentration at which iron absorption is minimal, five subjects with thalassemia major and one with thalassemia intermedia underwent a series of iron-absorption studies. The effect of tea as an inhibitor of non-heme iron absorption was also tested. Iron absorption increased as the hemoglobin concentration decreased, although iron absorption was much higher at any given hemoglobin level in the subject with thalassemia intermedia. In the subjects with thalassemia major, iron absorption averaged 10 per cent at hemoglobin concentrations between 9 and 10 and 2.7 per cent between 11 and 13 g per deciliter. The percentage of iron absorbed could be accurately predicted from the nucleated red-cell count (r = 0.91, P<0.001). Tea produced a 41 to 95 per cent inhibition of iron absorption.