In the mouse, numerous mutagens, teratogens and carcinogens have been shown to induce marked elevations in the fraction of sperm with head shape abnormalities. Since carcinogens and teratogens may act by causing genetic damage, a likely explanation of these results is that the sperm abnormalities are also caused by genetic damage. There are two more or less distinct classes of genetic damage, chromosomal aberrations and point mutations. In this paper, we provide evidence, that in general, chromosomal aberrations are not responsible for causing abnormally shaped sperm. Chromosomal aberrations could have caused abnormal sperm morphology in a number of ways. One possibility was that the mere presence of a translocated chromosome within the germ cell led to the malformation of the sperm head. A second possibility was that chromosomal imbalance, i.e., aneuploidy, duplications or deficiencies, within the spermatid or haploid cells caused abnormalities in shape. We tested these hypotheses by measuring the level of abnormally shaped sperm in mice homozygous and heterozygous for 24 various reciprocal and Robertsonian translocations. The diploid cells of these mice are known to be chromosomally balanced, containing translocated chromosomes. A predictable proportion of their gametes are, however, chromosomally unbalanced and carry translocated chromosomes. It was found that the levels of sperm abnormalities in these mice were convincingly unrelated to the levels predicted by any of the above hypotheses. Based on these results it seems that sperm abnormalities in mice are not due to the mere presence of translocated chromosomes in germ cells and also not due to chromosomal aneuploidy or duplication-deficiencies of chromosomal segments in the spermatid during development of the sperm.