Microwave Zeeman Spectrum of Atomic Fluorine

A paramagnetic resonance absorption spectrum has been observed in the products of a radio frequency electrodeless discharge in fluorine gas. The spectrum consists of eight lines, widely spaced over a magnetic field range 2000-6000 gauss, which can be identified with ΔMF=±1 transitions in the ground P322 level of the F19 atom. Analysis of the spectrum yields gJ(F; P322)gp=438.4839±0.0003, Δν(F; P322)=4020.01±0.02 Mc/sec, a(F; P2)h=446±10 Mc/sec, where a is the coupling constant of the off-diagonal hyperfine interaction in the P2 term and gp is the g factor of protons in a cylindrical sample of mineral oil.