In 1972, NBS began development of an Automatic Pulse Measurement System (APMS) consisting essentially of a minicomputer-controlled wide-band sampling oscilloscope. The objective of the work was to produce a fast general purpose pulse waveform acquisition and processing instrument with spectral capability in the frequency range dc-18 GHz. The purpose of this paper is to report the highlights of work done on the APMS from early 1975 to present. The measurement applications of the APMS now consist of both publicly offered calibration services and in-house experimental measurements. In the first category, calibration services are available for the following physical parameters: a) Impulse generator spectrum amplitude; b) Wide-band coaxial attenuation/gain; c) Pulse generator transition time. Still in the experimental stage are measurements involving reflection coefficient and impedance, group delay, pulse distortion, and wide-band antenna characteristics.