Cross-Section Ratios for K*+Rb Electronic Excitation Transfer

Cross-section ratios have been determined for the collisional transfer of electronic energy from the resonance levels of K to those of Rb. The results obtained were Q(KP322RbP122)Q(KP122RbP122)=1.1±0.2 Q(KP322RbP322)Q(KP322RbP122)=2.2±0.2 Q(KP322RbP322)Q(KP122RbP322)=1.0±0.2 Q(KP122RbP322)Q(KP122RbP122)=2.2±0.6 where the errors quoted are purely statistical. Possibilities of systematic errors are discussed. Combined with the absolute cross sections of Ornstein and Zare, these ratios give a complete set of cross-section values, namely, Q(KP122RbP122)=2.3±0.6 Q(KP122RbP322)=5.3±0.8 Q(KP322RbP122)=2.5±0.5 and Q(KP322RbP322)=5.5±1.2