On Database Logic

Database logic is a proposed framework for database theory which can serve the relational, hierarchical, and network approaches as first-order logic serves the relational approach. In this paper, the first m a series, the key defimuons for database logic are estabhshed, it is demonstrated how the logtc may be used to design a generahzed calculus data mampulauon language for heterogeneous databases, and several of the major properties of database logic are discussed In other papers, the ideas developed here are used to deal with several database issues--external-to-conceptual mapping construction, automatic program conversion, generahzed query languages, and integrated database design and maintenance. Categories and Subject Descriptors. F.3 1 (Logics and Meanings of Programs). Specifying and Verifying and Reasoning about Programs--logics of programs, H.2.1 (Database Management): Logical Design-- data models; H.2.3 (Database Management). Languages--data mampulatwn languages (DML); query languages

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