Tomography is Necessary for Universal Entanglement Detection with Single-Copy Observables

Entanglement, one of the central mysteries of quantum mechanics, plays an essential role in numerous tasks of quantum information science. A natural question of both theoretical and experimental importance is whether universal entanglement detection can be accomplished without full state tomography. In this Letter, we prove a no-go theorem that rules out this possibility for nonadaptive schemes that employ single-copy measurements only. We also examine a previously implemented experiment [H. Park et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 230404 (2010)], which claimed to detect entanglement of two-qubit states via adaptive single-copy measurements without full state tomography. In contrast, our simulation and experiment both support the opposite conclusion that the protocol, indeed, leads to full state tomography, which supplements our no-go theorem. These results reveal a fundamental limit of single-copy measurements in entanglement detection and provide a general framework of the detection of other interesting properties of quantum states, such as the positivity of partial transpose and the k-symmetric extendibility.
Funding Information
  • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
  • Industry Canada
  • Canadian Institute for Advanced Research
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (11175094, 91221205, 11425523, 11375167)
  • National Basic Research Program of China (2015CB921002, 2013CB921801, 2014CB848700)