Complete replacement of mitochondrial DNA in Drosophila

The introduction of foreign mitochondria or mitochondrial DNA into a cell is a useful technique for clarifying the molecular mechanisms responsible for the maintenance of mitochondria. Novel combinations of mitochondrial and nuclear genomes have been studied in mammalian cells in culture and in yeast. In Drosophila, we have recently constructed heteroplasmic flies possessing both endogenous mitochondrial DNA and foreign mitochondrial DNA by intra- and interspecific transplantation of germ plasm. During the maintenance of these heteroplasmic lines, flies of D. melanogaster are produced that no longer possess their own mitochondrial DNA but retain the foreign mitochondrial DNA from D. mauritiana. . These flies are fertile and the foreign mitochondrial DNA is stably maintained in their offspring. Here we report the complete replacement of endogenous mitochondrial DNA with that from another multicellular species. Molecular and genetic analysis of this replacement in Drosophila should provide new insight into the functional interaction between nuclear and organelle genomes.