Cu from CuSO4, Cu(C2H4O2)2, and CuSO4(NH3)4 solutions is ab-sorbed by the spores in the relative and absolute ratio of 1:2:3; that from solutions of the first 2 salts being held in the walls as albuminate and phosphate while the Cu(NH3)4 ion penetrates into the protoplast, which it kills. Recovery of germinating ability occurs after treatment with CuSO4 or Cu(C2H4O2)2 solutions if the spores are sown upon moist earth or gelatine which absorb the Cu from them or if they are washed with 0.5% HC1 and sown upon 0.1% Ca(NO3)2 solution. Difficulty in remov-ing the Cu from the spore walls increases with increase in concentration of the salt and in time of treating. Treatment for 15 min. is effective in inhibiting germina-tion if 0.5% Cu is absorbed by the spores, for 24 hr. if 0.3% is absorbed. The inhibiting effect of dilute solutions of CuS04 was observed only when the proportion of spores to Cu present was such that 0.5% or more copper would be absorbed by the spores. Neither ZnSO4 nor NaCl increased the amount of Cu absorbed or the in-hibiting effect.