Fibrinolysis Inhibition and Fibronectin in the Blood in Patients with the Delayed Microembolism Syndrome

Various parameters of fibrinolysis inhibition and the plasma concentration of fibronectin (α2-surface binding glycoprotein, cold insoluble globulin) were measured in patients at risk of developing acute progressive respiratory insufficiency following trauma or sepsis - the delayed microembolism syndrome (DMS). Most parameters measuring fibrinolysis inhibition were significantly higher in the five patients with DMS than in five patients who did not develop the syndrome. Thus, the primary fibrinolysis inhibitor (α2-antiplasmin) was enhanced and the α-form of this inhibitor, with affinity to plasminogen, showed the greatest increment and might be of major importance for the delayed elimination of fibrin from the lungs occurring in these patients. The fibronectin concentrations were not lower in patients with DMS than in those who did not develop the syndrome.