Intramitochondrial factors controlling hepatic fatty acid oxidation at weaning in the rat

Fatty acid oxidation was studied in isolated liver mitochondria of rats during the suckling-weaning transition. The oxidation rate of oleyl-CoA and palmitoylcarnitine was reduced 2.5-fold in rats weaned on a high-carbohydrate diet compared to suckling rats, when acetyl-CoA produced by β-oxidation was directed towards ketone-body synthesis. Weaning on a high-fat diet minimized this change. Channeling of acetyl-CoA towards citrate synthesis doubled the oxidation rate of both substrates in HC-weaned rats. Thus, in addition to changes in carnitine palmitoyltransferase I activity, the β-hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase pathway is also involved in the decreased fatty acid oxidation at weaning. This was confirmed by measurement of β-hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase pathway activity.