Experimental tests of new SO(10) grand unification

A new approach to SO(10) grand unification was recently proposed by three of the authors (D.C., R.N.M., and M.K.P.), where the mass scale MP at which the D-parity symmetry present in the SO(10) group breaks was & of the right-handed currents. In contrast with the conventional treatment of the SO(10) model, SU(2)L×SU(2)R×G [G is SU(4)C or SU(3)C×U(1)BL] can appear as an intermediate symmetry with gLgR. Calculations in the one-loop approximation lead to a substantially different picture of intermediate mass scales for SO(10)-symmetry breaking than before. In this paper, this analysis is extended to include two-loop contributions which are significant for several symmetry-breaking chains. All possible chains descending to the standard group SU(2)L×U(1)Y×SU(3)C are examined. A unique chain emerges if one imposes a minimality condition (using the lowest-dimensional Higgs multiplet at each symmetry-breaking stage) and the phenomenological requirements of &≥2×1032 yr, sin2 θW(MW) =0.22±0.02, and αs(MW)=0.10–0.12. This chain is SO(10)SU(2)L×SU(2)R×SU(4)C ×P →SU(2)L ×SU(2)R×SU(4)C→SU(2)L ×U(1)R×U(1)B1×SU(3)C →SU(2)L×U(1)Y ×SU(3)C and allows for the following detectable consequences: (a) neutron oscillations with τnn¯108109 sec; (b) a branching ratio for KL→μē of 7×(1081012); (c) a second neutral ZR boson in the (1/2)-to-10-TeV range; (d) a proton lifetime τp=6.5×1035.0±0.9(Λ MS¯/160 MeV)4 yr (MS¯ denotes the modified minimal subtraction scheme), which, given the theoretical uncertainties, may barely be within experimental reach; (e) a Majorana mass for the electron neutrino in the range of electron volts. This experimentally interesting chain also predicts MP1014.3±1.0 GeV, which satisfies all cosmological constraints. All other symmetry-breaking chains that satisfy the phenomenological requirements do not have experimentally testable consequences at low energies.