Tobacco-Alcohol Amblyopia

Tobacco-alcohol amblyopia, the disturbance of vision which so frequently complicates chronic alcoholism and/or the prolonged use of tobacco, has been a topic of continued interest to ophthalmologists. As long ago as 1896, when DeSchweinitz's1monograph on toxic amblyopia appeared, a large literature was available on this subject, and it is of interest that by that time many of the current clinical and pathological problems associated with tobacco and alcohol amblyopia had already been clearly drawn. Whether or not the disorders associated with tobacco and alcohol were separate entities was a major point of contention. Some of the early authors on this subject (Nettleship,2Eales,3Marcus Gunn4) felt that only the toxic effects of tobacco were of etiological importance, and they denied the existence of an amblyopia in drinkers who did not smoke. Connor,5on the other hand, described an amblyopia symptomatically identical to the one