Decay ofNa25

Na25 was produced in the Na23(t,p)Na25 reaction and its radiations were investigated by means of Ge(Li), plastic, and NaI(Tl) detectors. From βγ coincidence experiments the Na25 β-ray branch to the ground state of Mg25 is 62.5±2.0%. Other β and γ-ray branches were derived from the γ-ray spectrum and are in agreement with previous results. From both singles and γγ coincidence measurements a limit of <0.02% (logft>6.5) is placed on the β-ray branch to the 2738-keV Jπ=72+ state of Mg25. Recent shell-model calculations give a good account of the relative experimental β-branching intensities and, in particular, predict that the transition to the 2738-keV state should be very weak.

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