Fetal cerebral, cardiovascular and metabolic reactions to intermittent occlusion of ovine maternal placental blood flow

In 10 mature, acutely exteriorized fetal sheep cardiovascular, cerebral and metabolic reactions were followed during intermittent occlusions of maternal placenta blood flow. The response was analysed from blood pressure, heart rate, myocardial contractility, combined cardiac output, ST waveform analysis of the fetal ECG, and from the evoked EEG response. The metabolic response was judged from blood gases, pH, lactate and circulating catecholamines. Basal values were within the range seen in the 'chronic' fetal lamb preparation. During moderate asphyxia, achieved by 10 1 min occlusions separated by 2 min periods of free maternal aorta blood flow, cardiovascular performance was increased with a substantial catecholamine surge but minor effects on cerebral and metabolic functions. During the marked asphyxia, achieved by five 2 min occlusions, marked metabolic changes occurred together with abolition of cerebral function. Forty-five minutes after asphyxia, 9/10 of the fetuses had regained cerebral, metabolic and cardiovascular functions.