Investigation of the Deuteron-Deuteron Reaction

The excitation curve for the reaction D2+D2He3+n1 has been measured from 40 up to 300 kv. The yield of fast neutrons measured in the forward direction from a thick D3PO4 target bombarded by 100 kv deuterons is equivalent to 44 mc of radium-beryllium per microampere. The number of neutrons observed in the forward direction (estimated from the number of recoils produced in air) corresponds to 8.7×104 neutrons per second per μa at 100 kv over the entire solid angle if isotropic emission is assumed. However, there is a definite preponderance in the forward direction. The increase of "C" neutrons with the increasing thicknesses of paraffin surrounding the neutron source and the neutron detector has been measured for both the D-D neutrons and the Ra-Be neutrons. The two such curves correspond for thicknesses of paraffin greater than 5 cm. With less paraffin, relatively more neutrons are observed from the Ra-Be source. The yield of "C" neutrons from a D3PO4 target bombarded by 1 μa of 100 kv deuterons is equivalent to that of 15 mC of radium-beryllium, but the yield is very sensitive to the geometrical arrangement of the paraffin surrounding the target. The excitation curve of the reaction D2+D2H1+H3 coincides with that of the alternative reaction for the energy range measured (45-100 kv). The absolute yield of protons, after correcting for the stopping power of the target, is one proton for 6×106 deuterons, no correction being made for anisotropy of emission. This agrees within a factor of two within the neutron yield. No resonance was found in either excitation curve.

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