Transcription of genes encoding enzymes involved in DNA synthesis during the cell cycle of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

We have examined the pattern of transcription exhibited by four genes in the dTTP biosynthetic pathway of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Consistent with the results reported previously by Storms et al. (1984), the TMP1 (or CDC21) gene encoding thymidylate synthase was found to be transcribed in a periodic manner during the cell cycle with maximal mRNA levels occurring just prior to the onset of DNA replication. Three other genes in this pathway DCD1, DUT1 and DFR1 encoding dCMP deaminase, dUTP pyrophosphatase and dihydrofolate reductase, respecitively, exhibited relatively constant levels of transcription throughout the cell cycle. These results, particularly for DFR1, are in marked contrast with those obtained in other eukaryotic systems which have suggested that, in general, genes encoding enzymes involved in DNA precursor synthesis are subject to cell cycle regulation. Thus, periodic transcription is not a property common to all genes involved in DNA replication in this eukaryote.