An operative procedure which is as frequently performed as is tonsillectomy may lead to an apathy on the part of the physician concerning the amelioration of the patient's morbidity. Postoperative pain and its sequelae (difficulty in swallowing, earache, etc.) are almost universal complaints of the patients. The rapid advances in anesthetic and surgical techniques have left this factor as one of the most distressing aspects of the entire procedure. The approach to postoperative pain control has been largely through the use of salicylates and gargles. Application of an ice collar also has been suggested as affording some relief. The literature abounds with reports1 of the salicylate-induced hemorrhage, and the use of gargles, while of dubious value, has been shown to interfere with the healing of the wound.2 The local injection of procaine for pain control has resulted in some success,3 but, unfortunately, the duration of activity is