Characterization of laser-produced plasma x-ray sources for use in x-ray radiography

We report the absolute conversion efficiency ξx from the incident laser light energy to x‐ray photons for laser‐produced plasmas. Potential x‐ray backlighting (radiography) line sources having photon energies from 1.4 to 8.6 keV are studied as a function of laser wavelength, pulsewidth, and intensity. The laser intensity and pulsewidth range from 1014 to 1016 W/cm2, 100 ps to 2 ns and include incident wavelengths of 1.06, 0.53, and 0.35 μm. We found that K‐shell x‐ray line emission ξx : (1) decreases with increasing x‐ray energy, (2) decreases with increasing laser intensity, (3) decreases rapidly with pulselength, and (4) moderately increases with decreasing laser wavelength. On the contrary, for Au M band emission, at a fixed laser intensity and pulsewidth, ξx significantly increases (∼25×) upon decreasing the laser wavelength from 1.06 to 0.35 μm.