Vector-Meson Interaction Hamiltonian

The vector mesons are described in terms of the antisymmetric second-rank tensor field Tμν. The vector-meson-baryon interaction Lagrangian, LInt=12g1B¯σμνTμνB+ig2B¯γνμTμνB=12JμνTμν+JνμTμν, gives the following interaction Hamiltonian, in the interaction representation: HInt=LInt+14[(1mT2)JμνJμν+2JμJμ]+12[(1mT2)JμρJμσ+JρJσ]nρnσ. The normal dependent terms which appear in the S matrix vanish to any order in perturbation theory, and the S-matrix elements can be calculated by using the effective interaction Hamiltonian (HInt)eff=LInt+14[(1mT2)JμνJμν+2JμJμ].