Results Obtained with Trenbolone Acetate® in Conjunction with Estradiol 17β in Veal Calves, Feedlot Bulls, Lambs and Pigs

A new anabolic preparation combining Trenbolone acetate® and estradiol 17β has been tested for meat production in different animals. Body weight gain post implantation was increased considerably: in veal calves by 17.4%, in feedlot bulls by 43.5%, in castrated male lambs by 26.6%, and in castrated male pigs by 18.4%. Carcass weight consequently was improved; in veal calves by 8.5%, in feedlot bulls by 6.3%, in castrated male lambs by 5.8%, and in castrated male pigs by 6.5%. When recorded, feed conversion appears to have been improved equally: in veal calves by 10%, in castrated male lambs by 20%, and in castrated male pigs by 8.6%. In pigs carcasses were leaner and longer. In veal calves carcasses had a greater meatiness. No significant changes in total nitrogen and lipids occurred. Cooking loss was not affected by treatment. Copyright © 1975. American Society of Animal Science. Copyright 1975 by American Society of Animal Science.