On the presence and localization of epidermal and nerve growth factors in human whole saliva

Using antibodies to mouse submandibular epidermal growth factor (EFG) and nerve growth factor (NGF), immunohistochemical studies were performed on sections of flash-frozen human whole saliva in both light and transmission electron microscopy. Light microscopy showed the presence of overall network-like immunoreactions in both the EGF and NGF antibody-treated sections. Electron microscopy showed clearly detectable ultrastructural reaction patterns for both growth factor antibodies. The individual structural elements were more distinct for the EGF antibody-treated sections, in which the reaction elements had approximate diameters of 0.05 micron. In the NGF antibody-treated sections the corresponding approximate diameters were 0.02 micron. In both the EGF and NGF antibody-treated sections heavily stained bacteria-like particles were also frequently observed.