Lipid composition and metabolism in testicular and ejaculated ram spermatozoa

Spermatozoa collected directly from the testis of the conscious ram contain 25% more phospholipid than ejaculated spermatozoa. The concentration of lecithin, phosphatidylethanolamine and ethanolamine plasmalogen was greater in testicular spermatozoa; little difference was observed in choline plasmalogen. Both types of spermatozoa had significant amounts of cardiolipin and alkyl ether phospholipid. The fatty acids in the phospholipid extracted from testicular spermatozoa have a very high content of palmitic acid. The phospholipids of ejaculated spermatozoa contained less palmitic acid, but more myristic acid. Ejaculated spermatozoa contained less acyl ester and cholesterol. It is suggested that lipids are a source of substrate for spermatozoa during their passage through the epididymis. Testicular spermatozoa when incubated with [U-C14]glucose incorporated more radioactivity into the glycerol part of the phos-pholipid and neutral lipid fractions than did ejaculated cells. The distribution of radioactivity in the individual phospholipids and neutral lipids was similar for both cell types. No radioactivity was detected in choline plasmalogen, which accounted for approx. 40% of the total phospholipid. Testicular spermatozoa incorporated more radioactivity from glucose into formate than into acetate, whereas a higher proportion of radioactivity was found in acetate in ejaculated cells. The implications of these lipid changes in the process of spermatozoal maturation are discussed.