Bitter and Sweet Saccharin Preferences as a Function of Food Deprivation

16 rats were given 23-hr. tests with each of 2 low-concentration (sweet by human report) pairs of saccharin (.05% vs .15% and .05% vs .35%) and 2 high-concentration (bitter) pairs (1.15% vs 1.25% and 1.15% vs 1.45%). All Ss were tested under each condition while on ad lib. feeding and while on a 23-hr. food deprivation schedule. Results with the 2 low-concentration pairs showed the typical deprivation-concentration interaction, greatly increased intake for the higher concentration of a pair. There was also an interaction with the “bitter” pairs, due to Ss drinking more of the 1.15% concentration when food-deprived than when non-deprived.