Leo Noro, M.D., Director of the Institute of Occupational Health, Helsinki, Finland, is the recipient of the 1968 William P. Yant Memorial Award. This award is presented by the American Industrial Hygiene Association to commemorate the leadership and breadth of contributions of Dr. William P. Yant in the field of industrial hygiene. The award is sponsored also by the Mine Safety Appliances Company with which Dr. Yant was so long and so prominently associated. Suitable to Dr. Yant's great interest and activity in carrying industrial hygiene to other countries, the selection of recipients is made from persons who are not resident in the United States and who have made outstanding contributions to industrial hygiene. Dr. Noro, a native Finn, was born in 1915 and received his medical degree from the University of Finland in 1941. Immediately following World War II, he came to the United States as a Rockefeller-Fellow to study industrial hygiene and occupational medicine. He returned to Finland to become a leader in these fields and to achieve international recognition. He has been Director of the institute of Occupational Health at Helsinki since 1950. His publications include topics in industrial hygiene, air pollution, public health, and epidemiology. He is a member of the American Academy of Occupational Health and he has been active on international committees of WHO, ILO, and other such organizations.

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