Precise Hyperfine Pressure-Shift Measurements for Hydrogen Isotopes in Argon

The pressure shift of the hyperfine splitting ν in the ground state of the hydrogen isotopes for an argon buffer gas has been measured with about 0.1% accuracy by an optical-pumping method with improvements in sample design, temperature control, and magnetic field stabilization. If the shift is expressed as (1ν0)(δνδρ)=A+B(TT0), the results for hydrogen, deuterium, and tritium are, respectively, AH=(4.800±0.006)×109 torr1 (0°C); BH=(+0.956±0.011)×1011 °C1 torr1 (0°C); AD=(4.802±0.022)×109 torr1 (0°C); BD=(+1.091±0.047)×1011 torr1 (0°C); AT=(4.795±0.012)×109 torr1 (0°C); BT=(+0.929±0.021)×1011 torr1 (0°C); where the arbitrary reference temperature T0=26°C has been used in every case. The density ρ is quoted in units of torr (0°C), the equivalent of 3.536×1016 atoms/cm3. The absence of isotope dependence supports existing theories of the shift and encourages comparison with the measurements of muonium hyperfine splitting.

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