Meson exchange calculation of the p¯p→Λ¯Λreaction

The process p¯p→Λ¯Λ is studied using a one-boson t-channel strangeness exchange mechanism incorporating pseudoscalar, vector, and tensor mesons. Particular attention is paid to the spin degrees of freedom in the calculation. Initial and final state interactions, including the spin-orbit interaction and absorption, are taken into account using simple phenomenological models. The calculations are performed using density matrix ideas in the helicity basis, and the most important contributing amplitudes are identified. A reasonable fit to existing data can be obtained by allowing a smooth variation of the final state parameters with laboratory momentum. The effect of each of the exchanged mesons, and of the initial- and final-state baryon-baryon interactions on the cross sections and spin observables, is discussed. It is found that the tensor meson exchange plays an essential role even near threshold, which indicates the need for a detailed understanding of the short-range spin dynamics, perhaps as provided by future quark model studies.