Bubble-Chamber Study of Photoproduction by 2.8- and 4.7-GeV Polarized Photons. I. Cross-Section Determinations and Production of ρ0 and Δ++ in the Reaction γppπ+π

Photoproduction is studied at 2.8 and 4.7 GeV using a linearly polarized monoenergetic photon beam in a hydrogen bubble chamber. We discuss the experimental procedure, the determination of channel cross sections, and the analysis of the channel γppπ+π. A model-independent analysis of the ρ0-decay angular distribution allows us to measure nine independent density-matrix elements. From these we find that the reaction γppρ0 proceeds almost completely through natural parity exchange for squared momentum transfers |t|<1 GeV2 and that the ρ production mechanism is consistent with s-channel c.m. helicity conservation for |t|<0.4 GeV2. A cross section for the production of π+π pairs in the s-channel c.m. helicity-conserving p-wave state is determined. The ρ mass shape is studied as a function of momentum transfer and is found to be inconsistent with a t-independent Ross-Stodolsky factor. Using a t-dependent parametrization of the ρ0 mass shape we derive a phenomenological ρ0 cross section. We compare our phenomenological ρ0 cross section with other experiments and find good agreement for 0.05<|t|<1 GeV2. We discuss the discrepancies in the various determinations of the forward differential cross section. We study models for ρ0 photoproduction and find that the Söding model best describes the data. Using the Söding model we determine a ρ0 cross section. We determine cross sections and nine density-matrix elements for γpΔ++π. The parity asymmetry for Δ++ production is incompatible with simple one-pion exchange. We compare Δ++ production with models.