Norling, E.: Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Rydebäck— Fortuna borings in southern Sweden. Gcologiska Föreningens i Stockholm För‐handlingar, Vol. 92, pp. 261–287. Stockholm, September 30, 1970. A Mesozoic sequence, ranging in age from Upper Sinemurian (L. Jurassic) to Hauterivian (L. Cretaceous), was penetrated by four shallow borings in the coastal region between Hälsingborg and Landskrona in the south of Sweden. Together with the outcropping Lower Lias in this region, the cores seem to comprise the most complete Jurassic sequence ever found in Sweden, including the first finds of marine Upper Bathonian and Callovian to be recorded from this country. The stratigraphical analysis is mainly based on foraminifera closely correlating with the faunas of western Europe. In this report only some few foraminifera of stratigraphic importance are commented on. The micrographs were taken with a Cambridge Stereoscanning Electron Microscope at the Geological Survey of Sweden.