Maximal and ventilatory threshold responses to treadmill and water immersion running

This study compared the metabolic responses of 13 endurance runners, familiar with nonweight-bearing water immersion (WI) running, at ventilatory threshold (Tvent) and maximal effort (VO2max) for both treadmill and WI running performance. Oxygen consumption (VO2), ventilation (VE), heart-rate (HR), VE/VO2, respiratory exchange ratio (RER), perceived exertion (RPE), and stride frequency (SF) were measured at Tvent and VO2max. Paired t-tests revealed higher VO2max (59.7 vs 54.6, HRmax (190 vs 175 bpm), RERmax (1.20 vs 1.10), VO2 at Tvent (46.3 vs 42.8, HR at Tvent (165 vs 152 bpm) for treadmill versus WI running, respectively. Treadmill and WI VEmax (109.0 vs 105.8 l.min-1), RPEmax (20), VE at Tvent (66.4 vs 65.7 l.min-1), RER at Tvent (0.99 vs 0.98), RPE at Tvent (13 vs 12) were similar, as were blood lactate [BLa] values obtained at 30 s (10.4 vs 9.8 mmol.l-1) and 5 min (9.7 vs 9.2 mmol.l-1) post-test. SF values over time were higher on the treadmill. The lower WI VO2max with similar peak [BLa] and lower SF values suggests that the active musculature and muscle recruitment patterns differ in WI running due to the high viscosity friction of water, and the nonweight-bearing nature of WI running.