Larval nematodes occurring in cysts in the body musculature of Icelandic cod have been identified as belonging to Porrocaecum Raillet & Henry, 1912 (subgenus Terranova Leiper & Atkinson, 1914), probably P. decipiens Krabbe and Anisakis Dujardin, 1845. Identification was made possible by rearing them in vitro to the pre-adult condition. The experiments show that the following conditions are necessary for the moult to the pre-adult state; (1) a fairly high culture temperature (37° C.); (2) the presence of pieces of fish for 24 hr. towards the beginning of the culture period. 1 % pepsin, while it assists the hatching from the cysts, is not essential for the moult to the pre-adult condition. Experiments indicate that the moult takes place 3–5 days after fish has been supplied.The larvae and pre-adults of both genera are described. Samples of larvae from cod from Greenland and the Barents Sea probably consist only of Porrocaecum and Anisakis, but a sample from West Scotland contained only Porrocaecum. The significance of the moult to the pre-adult state is discussed.