Nucleic Acid and Structural Proteins of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Isolates Belonging to Serotypes I and II

The nucleic acid and structural proteins of infectious bursal disease virus serotype I (6 isolates) were compared with those of serotpe II (2 isolates). Five of the serotpe I isolates originated from chickens; both serotype II isolates were from turkeys. The growth curves of representative isolates of both serotypes were similar, but the latent period and virus yield were different. The 7 isolates tested had 2 segments of double-stranded genomic RNA. The RNA migration patterns of viruses belonging to each serotype were similar, but differences were noticed between the 2 serotypes. There were differences in the MW of viral proteins (VP) 3 and 4 from the 2 serotypes, and serotype II isolates lacked VP-2.