Two-beam coupling in photorefractive Bi12SiO20 crystals with moving grating: Theory and experiments

Large values of the exponential gain coefficient Γ are obtained (Γ≂8–12 cm1) when recording with a moving grating in photorefractive BSO crystals (nearly degenerate two‐wave mixing; drift recording mode). The resolution of the Kukhtarev’s equations with a moving grating shows a resonance effect which at the optimum velocity makes the modulation of the photoinduced space charge field Esc higher. An optimum of the grating spacing also exists: Λopt:2π(E0/NA)(με/eγR)1/2. In such conditions, the space charge field is phase shifted by π/2 with respect to the incident fringe pattern; this allows an efficient beam coupling between the two recording beams. The dependence of the gain Γ versus the incident beam ratio β of the two interfering waves is interpreted by including the second‐order term in the Fourier development of Esc. The conditions allowing one to obtain a reasonable agreement between the theory and experiments are presented and discussed, as well as the adopted values of the crystals’ parameters.